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Jakten efter lycka

Jag läste precis en artikel om lycka, författad av J.P. Moreland. Han skriver bland annat följande, om varför antalet depressioner har ökat:

When people live for pleasurable satisfaction, they become empty selves and, because God did not make us to live for “happiness”, their lives fall apart. Professor Martin Seligman has spent his career studying happiness. In the late nineteen eighty’s, Seligman noted that with the baby boom generation, Americans experienced a ten-fold increase in depression compared to earlier generations. [...] To our knowledge, Seligman is not a Christian, but his insights read like they came from Holy Scripture! He claimed that the cause of this epidemic was the fact that baby boomers stopped imitating their ancestors and seeking daily to live for a cause—God, family, one’s country—bigger than they and, instead, spent from morning to night trying to live for themselves and their own pleasurable satisfaction. It …

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